Ladies man

Dear Lucas, you are such a ladies man. All the ladies love you. You’ve gotten kissed by 2 different girls now, both in gym class, hmm….    

Time is flying

Dear Lucas, Sorry it has been a while since I wrote anything. (My) grandma has been in the hospital ICU and the days have been just blurring together. I feel bad because I feel like you’ve probably been bored spending so much time in the hospital waiting room; I hope it hasn’t been too terrible. […]

Standing up! Next step…walking?

Dear Lucas,  You can pull yourself up and stand now! It seems like time is flying so much faster now that we have you, because you’re growing up so fast. I know that all parents say that, but…. It’s so true. Sometimes I worry that I’m not cherishing each moment enough, that I’m taking these […]

9 months old!

Dear Lucas, You are 9 months old today! (Though this might post on the 29th, in which case, you were 9 months old yesterday!) I can’t believe 9 months has gone by since you came into our lives and changed us forever ❤️❤️ You are crawling all over the place now, and you are developing […]


Dear Lucas, You survived your first Easter weekend, and what a crazy weekend it was. On Saturday it was your (2nd?) cousin’s 1st birthday. We spent the day with Emilia and her parents, Cassie and Warren. Emilia is so cute, and I’m glad that you will have cousins your age to grow up with. I […]


Dear Lucas, You are named Lucas because it means light-giving. This world is full of so much sadness and darkness, and I pray everyday that you would bring light wherever you go. I want you to know that it is not easy to do that on your own, though you are very charming 🙂 When […]


Dear Lucas,  I really just wanted to post this video of you doing a flip, because it’s awesome. Your class at the little gym is great, and I think you really enjoy it, too. Though it’s hard to tell because you always have such a serious face. You really make people work for a smile, […]

Date night

We went on a date night last night, and it was great. I hadn’t realized how much I missed spending time with my hubby, but I was reminded again of why I love this man and why he is my soulmate. Of course, it’s always hard to leave Lucas. I think I’m too attached to […]

Thrill seeker

I’m pretty well convinced now that Lucas is an adrenaline junkie. He likes to be startled and scared. He likes being tossed and swung around, and I’ve recently discovered that he likes to go to the edges of things. The problem is that, since he is a baby, he goes to the edges and then […]