
We went to the library yesterday to watch the improv playhouse perform Rumplestiltskin, and I have to say, we were pretty impressed. It was a free performance at the local library so I guess we weren’t expecting much, but it was entertaining for both kids and adults (I was probably annoying the people around us […]

Gym class

We went to 2 gym classes today; one was with “my gym,” which is not to be confused with our “the little gym” class, which is later in the day. The difference between the 2 classes is ridiculous. They are competitors and therefore should basically be the same class, but the person who leads “the […]

Just another day…

It’s nice to be able to go back to the library story hours, now that we’re not as sick as before. I am so much more aware of sick kids now, and I give them nasty looks when they cough or sneeze near my child, haha. I know that kids are gonna get sick, but […]

Love evolves

 Love has looked different at different stages in my life. I love my husband dearly, and I have learned so much about love through him. We have gone through so much, and I truly believe that we are going to make it, because we want to. Love used to look like constant fights; and though […]

Mom guilt

People always talk about mom guilt, and that’s cuz it’s so real. Honestly, I just started feeling mom guilt in the past month, but it’s coming on strong. I’ve started to miss things from my pre-kid days more, i.e. binge watching tv shows, going on cruises, running everyday, working out after running… and I know […]

Still sick

I’ve been reading this blog about a little 5 year old girl with terminal cancer. The blog is written by her parents, and reading it breaks my heart. Every time I read it, I break down in tears. The love a parent has for their child… It’s the closest I’ve ever come to understanding the […]

Starting a new blog

I know I’ve started several blogs in my lifetime, and I always end up abandoning them for one reason or another, but I’m going to try to maintain this one, for real! (Famous last words..) The point of this is to have things documented for Lucas, so that he can come and read this one […]